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Ecologists suggest informing population about dangerous level of air pollution

September 27, 2019, 14:28       Источник       Комментарии

Population must be informed about air pollution and its effects on health. Representative of MoveGreen organization Baktygul Stakeeva announced at the Bishkek Ecological Forum.
She noted that many countries of the world close schools and industrial enterprises in case of an increased level of air pollution. "Each of us can make a choice, for example, in food, but this cannot be done with air. We all breathe," she said.
Related news Bishkek lacks comprehensive environmental safety program Baktygul Stakeeva recalled that the organization conducts public monitoring of pollution, the results are displayed online. "We measure only the fine particles PM 2.5. Their danger is that they penetrate into the blood vessels," she said.
The expert added that people rarely think about health hazards.
"It is necessary to inform the people about smog, high level of pollution. In this case, people, especially those at risk, will be able to take measures to minimize the risk, in particular, to wear masks and reduce the time spent in polluted areas," she said.

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