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Tokayev orders to cancel registration of foreigners in Kazakhstan


Фотографии: akipress.kg

October 29, 2019, 15:27       Источник akipress.kg       Комментарии

AKIPRESS.COM - President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev ordered to cancel the compulsory registration of foreign citizens in the migration bodies of police, Tengrinews.kz reported as President saying at the meeting in Almaty. According to him, one of the key functions of the government and the mayor's offices is speeding up the introduction of standards and principles of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.
The head of state noted that this should be done in the regions as well.
Speaking about the standards of the Organization, if we really want to strengthen the investment and tourist attraction of large cities and the country as a whole, we need to withdraw the compulsory registration of foreigners in the migration bodies in a short term, the head of state said.
According to the President, registration of foreigners is not only inconviniences for foreign guests, but also a source of a big corruption, which negatively affects the reputation of the country as a whole and Almaty.
Crossing through the border is itself a migration registration, he noted.
According to the existing norms, foreigners should be registered in the migration bodies within 5 days after their crossing the border of Kazakhstan.

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