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Missing Batken resident detained in Tajikistan for violation of border regime

October 29, 2019, 16:01       Источник 24.kg       Комментарии

Asylbek Karimov, a resident of Batken district, was detained by border guards of Tajikistan for violation of the state border regime. The State Border Service of the Kyrgyz Republic informed 24.kg news agency.
Border representative of Kyrgyzstan for Batken region held a meeting with the Tajik side, where they discussed transfer of Asylbek Karimov.
"But in accordance with the legislation of Tajikistan, the citizen of the Kyrgyz Republic is now obliged to pay a fine," the State Border Service noted.
The state service noted that on October 26 they managed to return two citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic who had previously been detained by the Tajik border guards. Work is underway to return Asylbek Karimov.
Recall, Asylbek Karimov went to a market in Charco (Tajikistan) on October 24 and did not return.

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