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Talco, Fives sign 200 million Euros deal



November 8, 2019, 13:46       Источник       Комментарии

AKIPRESS.COM - President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon met French businessmen and investors on November 7 as part of the official visit to France, the president's press service said. Prospects of cooperation and broadening of commercial and economic ties between two countries were considered at the meeting.
The sides found it necessary to boost cooperation in hydropower, transit infrastructure, light, food and chemical industries, machine building, tourism, agricultural processing and export of processed green products.
Opening of the office of the French Development Agency in Tajikistan was underscored during consideration of cooperation in the framework of the Council of Entrepreneurs of Tajikistan and France.
20 French companies are active in Tajikistan now.
French businessmen and investors were invited to visit Tajikistan to explore commercial and investment opportunities.
Several agreements were signed following the talks:
- memorandum of cooperation between the State Unitary Enterprise Tojinvest and MEDEF International Association;
- 200 million Euros agreement on cooperation between Talco and France's Fives. The agreement foresees rehabilitation of the anode factory workshop estimated at 52 million Euros at the first stage. The Fives built the anode workshop 45 years ago;
- trilateral agreement of cooperation between Talco, Fives and Germany's Riedhammer on import of advanced technologies for the anode workshop of Talco;
- agreement on cooperation between Airbus and Somon Air of Tajikistan on import of helicopters. Somon Air has one helicopter already and plans to buy 5 helicopters more;
- agreement on cooperation in pharmaceutical industry between Laboratoire Innotech International and Sifat Pharma of Tajikistan;
- agreement of cooperation between Tajikistan's Admi LLC and Schever Group on setting up a shopping center in Bobojon Gafurov district of Sughd region;
- memorandum of cooperation between the State Entrepreneurship Enterprise and ITC School Ecole 42.

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