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2 Nigerians seek to sue police of Karaganda claiming years in prison weakened their health



November 20, 2019, 10:24       Источник       Комментарии

AKIPRESS.COM - Two citizens of Nigeria plan to file a lawsuit against police of Karaganda, Sputnik Kazakhstan reports.
According to them, two years in prison undermined their health.
The KTK TV channel reports that the foreigners served their sentences for theft and on November 19 they were declared not guilty.
According to the Nigerians, they badly lost weight and got a number of diseases.
"We do not speak the language (Kazakh) and do not know the system of your country. I will remember every single day we spent in prison the entire life. We could not explain anything, nobody understood us - niether police, nor court," the TV channel cited.
One of them said that the foreigners received problems with heart and nervous system.
"We finally were lucky with the defense lawyer. But we request $50,000 from police for everything we had to face here," he said.
The Nigerians told they came to Kazakhstan to make a business with a citizen of Turkey. However, the frustrated partner accused them of theft o f$30,000.
As a result, the Nigerians were sentenced to 5 years in prison. But the board of appeals found some errors in the investigation. The case was opened based only on the words of the complainant. The complains of the person were translated with the held of Google translate.
During the reconsideration of the case, a person who speaks the Nigerian was invited for the hearing and the Nigerians could prove their guiltlessness.

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