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State Defense Committee sums up results for 2019


Фотографии: akipress.kg

November 20, 2019, 11:56       Источник akipress.kg       Комментарии

AKIPRESS.COM - The state committee for defense summed up the results for 2019 academic year on Nov 20. The deputies of the committees chairman, heads of the main departments and subdivisions, commanders of military units and departments, heads of the state enterprises, as well as representative of military prosecutor's office attended the meeting chaired by the state defense committee's chairman Erlis Terdikbayev.
The deputies of committee's chairman, heads of the financial department, the department of internal audit and chairman's assistant for the issues of combating corruption.
The military unit 34594 was named the best unit, the Osh city apartment management unit became best state facility and Semetey hotel was named as the best state enterprise.
All the winners were awarded by the defense committee and received certificates and presents.
The new tasks for 2020 academic year were set, following the meeting.

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