March 7, 2020, 11:12
AKIPRESS.COM - The EU launches five projects to promote human rights and the development of civil society in Uzbekistan, UzDaily reported. Tenders for EU funding were announced in May-June last year. As a result of the competition for grants from the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR) and the Civil Society Organization - Local Authorities (CSO-MOV), five projects were selected for implementation in Uzbekistan:
"Empowering Independent Teacher Associations in Uzbekistan" by the Center for Innovation, Technology and Strategy (Uzbekistan);
"Strengthening civil society to promote women's rights through advocacy, protection and empowerment of women in Uzbekistan", which will be implemented by ACTED (France);
"Transparent and inclusive governance through innovation and cooperation between civil society and local authorities", implemented by the Nationwide Yuxalish Movement (Uzbekistan);
"Innovative Uzbekistan" in the implementation of "ODB BRUSSELS" (Belgium);
"Promotion of youth participation in local decision-making", which will be carried out by the organization "Search for a common framework" (Belgium).
The European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR) is a thematic tool for financing EU external activities aimed at supporting projects in the field of human rights, fundamental freedoms and democracy in EU partner countries. This tool is designed to support the participation of civil society in political reforms and in protecting human rights.
The tool of the Civil Society Organization - Local Authorities (CSO-MOV) is aimed at strengthening the capacity of CSOs and MOVs in EU partner countries and increasing the contribution of CSOs to the management and development process.