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Uzbekistan extends quarantine until June 1 but loosens restrictions



May 15, 2020, 10:29       Источник       Комментарии

AKIPRESS.COM - The special nation-wide commission for coronavirus prevention has made the decision to extend quarantine in Uzbekistan until June 1 and to allow reopening of several kinds of businesses since May 15.
Different levels of quarantine - red, yellow or green - are in effect in Tashkent and the regions of Uzbekistan since May 8 depending upon the coronavirus situation. Various restrictions are in effect depending upon the level of quarantine. Some restrictions apply to all regions.
Since May 15, the following types of businesses will reopen in red quarantine areas:
* Handicraftsmen and artisans;
* Car and agricultural machinery maintenance;
* Repair of computers, home appliances, mobile phones;
* Rent and leasing services;
* Accounting, audit, tax consulting services.
The following businesses will reopen in the yellow quarantine areas in addition to the above activities:
* Real estate agencies;
* Advertising and marketing agencies;
* Private employment agencies;
* Work of parks (except for amusement facilities, fast food outlets). Parks may be visited from 9.00 am to 8.00 pm in groups of no more than 2 people or by families in strict compliance with quarantine requirements;
The following activities will be allowed in green quarantine areas in addition to the above activities:
* Work of outdoor stadiums (with restricted number of people, without use of change rooms and shower rooms, maintaining social distance);
* Scanning, copying, typing services and publishing;
* Work of museums (with restriction of number of visitors and maintaining a distance);
* Veterinary services;
* Building maintenance services and groundcare.
Domestic air and train service will partially resume since May 18.
Restriction for use of personal cars will be loosened since May 18 as well. Personal cars may be used without restrictions in green quarantine areas. Cars may be used from 6.00 am until 10.00 pm in yellow quarantine areas. In red quarantine zones the personal cars may be used from 7.00 to 10.00 am and from 5.00 pm to 8.00 pm.

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