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ex-MP Damirbek Asylbek uulu convicted in Kazakhstan for smuggling released on amnesty in Kyrgyzstan


Фотографии: akipress.kg

August 26, 2020, 16:41       Источник akipress.kg       Комментарии

AKIPRESS.COM - Ex-MP Damirbek Asylbek uulu transferred from Kazakhstan to serve his prison term in Kyrgyzstan was released from prison on amnesty.
The Supreme Court of Kyrgyzstan said the panel of judges for criminal cases and offenses sustained the motion of the attorney of Damirbek Asylbek uulu asking for reconsideration of the case due to new arisen circumstances.
Damirbek Asylbek uulu was released from criminal prosecution for organization of organized crime group. He was earlier sentenced to 3 years in prison for economic smuggling, but he was released from prison under amnesty on occasion of the 75th anniversary of the World War II victory and the 10th anniversary of the April revolution.
Damirbek Asylbek uulu and 11 others, 2 citizens of Kyrgyzstan among them, were detained in 2018 in Kazakhstan. He was handed 10-year prison term for establishment of the crime group involved in smuggling.
Kazakhstan transferred Damirbek Asylbek uulu to Kyrgyzstan in 2019 for serving prison sentence here.
Asylbek uulu was sent to the prison No. 27 in Moldovanovka village.

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