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Vice Speaker Kasymalieva suggests nomination of another candidate for PM instead of Sadyr Japarov



October 10, 2020, 10:21       Источник       Комментарии

AKIPRESS.COM - Vice Speaker Aida Kasymalieva offered the parliamentary majority coalition to nominate a new candidate for Prime Minister in her Facebook post.
Kasymalieva appealed to the parliamentary majority coalition members, who she said together with her supported nomination of Sadyr Japarov for Prime Minister 3 days ago.
"We have made such step as we strived to ensure stability for the state, peace and order in the country. We believed Sadyr Japarov will become the person who would unite various political forces inside and outside the Parliament, will bridge the power and opposition, will help to overcome disrepancies and will provide conditions for peaceful holding repeat parliamentary elections," she said.
"Unfortunately, the developments during the last several days have shown that regardless of his personal traits and merits, in current situation a significant part of the society will not accept him and instead of unification of the country we will exacerbate split and confrontation. Instead of the government trusted by people we will obtain the irritator and, moreover, instead of creating conditions for public accord, his appointment as Prime Miinister will cause further shocks," she said.
"We can't and do not have right for such risk. For this reason I suggest to overrule the previous decision and nominate another candidate for the Prime Minister," Aida Kasymalieva stated.

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