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President Macron's posters with insulting captions appear in Osh



October 30, 2020, 15:25       Источник       Комментарии

AKIPRESS.COM - The posters of President of France Emmanuel Macron were posted on the walls and doors of a mosque in Osh, Turmush reported.
The captions chuchka [pig in Uzbek], Najlis [unclean], Dajjal [liar, deceiver] were written on the posters.
The French President's posters were also stuck on the pedestrian crosswalks on central streets of Osh - Kurmanjan Datka and Alisher Navoi - with footprints on them.
Some social media users in Osh put the photo with caption Boycott France on their pages. Others launched challenge with caption I love Muhammad.
The situation is stable in Osh, the police department's press secretary Zamir Sydykov said.
"The religious situation is under control. Activities of extremist or terrorist organizations are not observed. Police work on the posters stuck near the mosque," the press secretary said.
On 2 October 2020, President Macron unveiled a plan to defend France's secular values against what he termed as "Islamist radicalism", saying the religion was "in crisis" all over the world, prompting a backlash from Muslim activists. He announced that the government would present a bill in December to strengthen a 1905 law that officially separated church and state in France. Macron faced further backlash when after the murder of Samuel Paty, he defended the caricatures of Muhammad by Charlie Hebdo. Many Muslims called for French products to be boycotted in their countries, while European leaders supported his remarks.

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