Corruption risks high in Kyrgyz Health Ministry - expertDamage from October unrest estimated at almost 2 billion soms

COVID-19 frontliners complain they have not received compensations yet - Security Council Secretary



December 10, 2020, 13:07       Источник       Комментарии

AKIPRESS.COM - Doctors working in COVID-19 red zones complain they have not received compensations for their work yet, Security Council Secretary Riskeldi Musaev said at the coordination meeting of law enforcement, fiscal and other agencies on fight against corruption today.
The doctors, who worked in red zones during peak of coronavirus cases in July compained to the Security Council.
"They say they have not received compensations yet. Especially military doctors complain about that," Musaev said.
The Security Council Secretary has asked Health Minister Alymkadyr Beishenaliev to resolve this problem.
The applications for compensations from 2,350 medical workers were considered in total so far, Health Minister Alymkadyr Beishenaliev said.
The decision was made to pay 200,000 soms compensations to 758 medical workers who contracted coronavirus infection at work and 1 million soms compensations to 34 families of medical workers, who died from coronavirus infection.
The documents of 200 medical workers are still under consideration, the Health Minister said.

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