CEC Chair explains low voter turnout with abolishment of form allowing to vote outside home regions, vote buyingVoter turnout in Kyrgyzstan's referendum makes 33.08% as of 6.00 p.m.

Kyrgyzstan has accurate system of count of voter turnout and cast ballots - CEC Chair


Фотографии: akipress.kg

January 10, 2021, 19:12       Источник akipress.kg       Комментарии

AKIPRESS.COM - "We have an accurate system of count of voters and cast ballots. This is a real voter turnout and this is the main thing," Central Election Commission Chair Nurjan Shaildabekova told a press briefing.
"We will analyze the voter turnout," the CEC Chair said in comments about a low turnout of voters.
The voter turnout in the referendum made 33.8% and 33.1% in the presidential elections.
"For instance, the referendum in 2016 had almost the same voter turnout. Referendum differs from elections with less number of interested stakeholders, such as candidates. Candidates are a big factor of increase of voter turnout," the CEC Chair said.
The CEC Chair referred to the statistics of the 2016 referendum: the voter list included 2.816 million voters and the voter turnout made 42.3%.
"If we look at time of voting, we will see voter turnout made 30% straight as of 5.00 p.m. We have the same situation now. I think this is a true turnout," she said.

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Обучение ювелирному делу в Бишкеке
МСН Общественно-политическая газета


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