Polling station opens at Embassy of Kyrgyzstan in Washington D.C.Kyrgyzstan has accurate system of count of voter turnout and cast ballots - CEC Chair

CEC Chair explains low voter turnout with abolishment of form allowing to vote outside home regions, vote buying


Фотографии: akipress.kg

January 10, 2021, 19:29       Источник akipress.kg       Комментарии

AKIPRESS.COM - Abolishment of the form #2 allowing to vote outside home regions has influenced voter turnout, Central Election Commission Chair Nurjan Shaildabekova told a press conference.
"However, the main factor that influenced the voter turnout was vote buying. The form #2 was used too in order to artificially raise activeness of voters through vote buying. Of course, abolishment of the form#2 influences as well, including on citizens who voted that way and on those who might not updated their information," the CEC Chair said.
The Central Election Commission received few complaints about restriction of rights to vote with abolishment of the form #2. The voter list included all those who voted based on the form #2 in the past parliamentary elections, she added.
"Abuse of the form #2 resulted in escalation of the political situation. We should analyze consequences of its abolishment to formulate solutions for participation of citizens in voting," the CEC Chair stated.

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