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Ancient settlements Krasnorechinskoye, Ak-Beshim and Burana approved as zones of protection of immovable objects of historical and cultural heritage


Фотографии: akipress.kg

April 19, 2021, 11:57       Источник akipress.kg       Комментарии

AKIPRESS.COM - Ancient settlements Krasnorechinskoye, Ak-Beshim and Burana historical and cultural complex located in the Issyk-Ata and Chui districts were approved by the government of Kyrgyzstan as the zones of protection of immovable objects of historical and cultural heritage.
The move is aimed to preserve and effectively use the immovable objects of historical and cultural heritage of international importance in Chui region.
Local authorities of Issyk-Ata and Chui districts are recommended to provide a regime of protection and use of protection zones of ancient settlements Krasnorechinskoye and Ak-Beshim and Burana historical and cultural complex.

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