May 31, 2021, 14:26
AKIPRESS.COM - The mobile clinic comprised of 5 medical support vehicles has not departed for Batken yet, MP Burun Amanova said at the meeitng of the Budget and Finances Committee of the Parliament of Kyrgyzstan.
"The Interior Minister promised the issue with registration of these vehicles will be solved today. Vehicles were not registered yet, as the Islamic Development Bank does not have an office in Bishkek. They promised to solve this issue today, since our citizens need medical assistance," Health Minister Alymkadyr Beishenaliev said.
The vehicles arrived in Kyrgyzstan on May 5.
The grant agreement was signed on procurement of 5 mobile clinics in 2014 during visit of the President of Kyrgyzstan to Mecca.
The Islamic Development Bank held a tender and awarded contract to Normeca.
The vehicles were manufactured in Turkey and are aimed to improve quality and access to health care services in rural and remote areas of the country.