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President Japarov disbands Anti-Corruption Service



June 25, 2021, 18:54       Источник       Комментарии

AKIPRESS.COM - President Sadyr Japarov has signed the order disbanding the Anti-Corruption Service of the State National Security Committee, the president's press service reported.
President Japarov announced at the meeting with business community representatives the Anticorruption Service will be disbanded in the next few days.
The President promised improvement of fiscal, law enforcement agencies and courts as part of economic reforms.
"Intervention of the state into work of business will be reduced primarily. All possible efforts will be made to create favorable environment for business. Liquidation of the Anti-Corruption Service is one of the decisive steps in this regard," said the report.
The decision to set up the Anti-Corruption Service was made on 14 December 2011. Its tasks included prevention, suppression, disclosure of corruption by public servants, government officials, judges, law enforcers, heads of publicly financed organizations.
President Sooronbai Jeenbekov disbanded the Anti-Corruption Service shortly before his resignation.
At the end of October 2021, acting President Sadyr Japarov signed the order on reinstatement of the Anti-Corruption Service.

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