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1.5 tons of ashlyan-fu to be cooked on Karakol town's anniversary



June 26, 2019, 16:56       Источник       Комментарии

AKIPRESS.COM - 1.5 tons of ashlyan-fu, a signature dish in Karakol town, will be prepared on the town's anniversary day, said Vice-Mayor Gulnaz Orozova. According to her, a solemn event will be held in honor of the 150th anniversary of the town on July 1.
"Ashlyan-fu is the town's signature dish, so we decided to organize a festival of ashlyan-fu. 10 best chefs of the town will cook this dish for guests. The dish will be served for free," she said.
Orozova added that ashlyan-fu is eaten with chopsticks. Therefore, a competition will be held to determine the person who eats the dish quickest. It is also planned to prepare 2-meter pyramid from tokoch (traditional bread).
An exhibition of yurts, handicraft items, national clothes will be held within the jubilee celebration, as well as national traditions and customs will be shown.
The concert program with the participation of national pop stars and fireworks will conclude event.
Ashlyan-fu is an Uygur cold soup with noodles made of dough and pieces (most often in the form of straw) of starch. This soup is usually served with with hot spices.

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