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Kyrgyzstan lacks child psychologists — Deputy Head of Mental Health Center



October 11, 2019, 13:59       Источник       Комментарии

AKIPRESS.COM - There are only 7 child psychologists in Kyrgyzstan, Deputy Chairperson of the National Mental Health Center Sabira Musabayeva told a roundtable discussion in Bishkek. According to her, the Center has been working without a program for 10 years.
"The state program on protection of a mental health for 2018-2030 is important, because there was no strategy before. The goal of the program is strengthening mental health, prevention of psychological disorders, providing available medical aid and development of the system of assisting a complex of services on protection of mental health at local level and so on," she said.
Musabayeva noted that the main problem in the system of child's menatl health protection is a shortage of specialists.
According to her, a lot of people study psychology but no on comes to work.
"Who will work for 5,000 som per month? We have a hard work. Therefore, they choose other directions. There are only 7-9 specialists in the institutions, where 20 people should work. There are only 7 child psychologists across the country," she added.

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