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Latest data on damages from Kyrgyz-Tajik border clashes: 104 houses, 10 gas stations, 1 kindergarten, 3 border outposts burned



May 3, 2021, 14:57       Источник       Комментарии

AKIPRESS.COM - The commission calculating the damage incurred by Kyrgyzstanis as a result of the conflict on the Kyrgyz-Tajik border continues its work, the Batken region government reported on May 3 citing preliminary data.
So far, 104 houses, 2 schools, one feldsherly dispensary, one kindergarten, one Ministry of Internal Affairs building (police station), 3 border outposts, 10 gas stations and 8 shops were burned down in the region.
Ak-Sai, Samarkandek, Ak-Tatyr, Kara-Bak rural settlement in Batken district and Kulundu and Zhany-Jer of Leilek district were affected by the armed clashes.
Tensions on the border of Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan escalated on April 28-29 and exchange of fire occurred between the military units of two sides. 35 Kyrgyz citizens were killed, including a 12-year-old girl. At least 180 other Kyrgyzstanis were injured. Some 33,388 people were displaced from the villages in Batken region, 19,142 children among them, Deputy Minister of Health and Social Development Aliza Soltonbekova told a briefing. Residents of Ak-Sai, Ak-Tatyr, Kara-Bak, Samarkandek villages of Batken district and Jany-Jer, Beshkent, Kulundu villages of Leilek district were evacuated.

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