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Kara-Suu town needs sewage and wastewater treatment facilities: MP



June 10, 2021, 14:48       Источник       Комментарии

AKIPRESS.COM - Kara-Suu town needs sewage and wastewater treatment facilities, said MP Ainuru Altybaeva on June 10 at the session of the parliament. Kara-Suu has one of the largest markets, where traders from several districts of Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan come to trade.
"Kara-Suu district is one of the large and densely populated districts. Multistory buildings will be built in Kara-Suu, therefore sewage networks and treatment facilities are needed. In 2014, the MPs were able to obtain the allocation of funds for the installation of sewage and wastewater treatment plants. The European Development Bank allocated large funds. There is still the question of providing land for the installation of wastewater treatment facilities. This problem needs to be solved as soon as possible," she said addressing the representative of the Cabinet of Ministers Almaz Abytov.

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