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Parliament of Kyrgyzstan approves introduction of state of emergency in Bishkek


Фотографии: akipress.kg

October 13, 2020, 19:19       Источник akipress.kg       Комментарии

AKIPRESS.COM - The Parliament of Kyrgyzstan today has approved the presidential order reintroducing the state of emergency in Bishkek.
The order was approved unanimously.
President Sooronbai Jeenbekov declared the state of emergency in Bishkek on October 9. The Parliament was supposed to consider the order within 3 days.
Since the Parliament has not considered introduction of the state of emergency, President Jeenbekov reintroduced the state of emergency on October 12 from 8.00 p.m. of October 12 to 7.00 a.m. of October 19. The curfew remains in effect in Bishkek from 10.00 p.m. to 5.00 a.m.

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